We are "Malaysians"!!
I was going through the malay news when I saw the article about Namewee, the guy who insulted the national anthem by calling it "negarakuku". I told my housemate about it and she found him in youtube. As a music lover, the music he made was quite impressive – his voice and the rappings. But after reading the translation in english, I was like “this guy is really calling for trouble”. Obviously, it was very provoking although the rhythm is quite entertaining but that is the National Anthem for God sake, he used his talent in a wrong way.
I am not against him or even the malays or any other races. Honestly speaking, I do have some dissatisfactions about the malays, the chinese, the indians, and even my own race. I don’t think it’s the races that make all of us like what some think we are – it is the PEOPLE!!!! And totally not their RACES!!!!
I do have malay, indian and chinese friends who are really hardwoking and who are not! I don’t see any differences between all of us because all races are equally the same. The only different thing is that “how they were brought up since young. If this Namewee guy has the guts to make a public statement in that song, don’t you think it must have been triggered when he was growing up? We start learning about life from our parents. We imitate the way they view life as a whole. Most of my friends who did well in their life came from a very decent family, a family who knows what respect means, who knows and understand differences and who knows what’s good and bad.
We often heard people say “Orang melayu pemalas, penjenayah!!“Orang cina kedekut, kasar, penipu besar, dan suka merendah-rendahkan orang lain!”, “Orang India kejam, pemabuk, berbadan busuk, dan mulut manis!”
But come to think of it, how will these contribute to the unity of all races for the continuation of peace and harmony in our country?Yes, I know the government can be unfair and ridiculous sometimes, and some people are as what they said they are, but why make ourselves the victim? Why do we trigger the sensitive issues about races? Other countries are killing each other because of the difference in religions and races, I don’t think any of us would want to see the chaos.
Let's think about our next generation. Let's build them not by differences but knowledge, acceptance and respect.
If there are 100 people like this guy, I don’t know how long our ‘peace and harmony’ will last. I don't know if i can even go to "Masjid India", "Brickfields", "Shah Alam", "Petaling Street", "Cheras", and come out alive.
For an instance, look at the people and the culture in
2 what say you:
hi there, im not sure its entirely fair to shift the blame to his parents, whom are probably v traumatised as well.
the continuation of peace and harmony in this place we call home not only depend on the singular effort on one, but everyone who is malaysian. there are disagreements, there are unhappiness, there are many who are disgruntled. not pointing fingers now, but i do think its overboard of certain leaders (including principals of schools who are supposed to set a role model) telling students they are outsiders, have never been part of this country and never ever will be. that is quite hurtful, dun u think? how does it contribute to racial unity?
just a thought.
I agree with you, the community's leaders should not emphasize on the differences which is based on colour, or races or even RELIGION. but these people sometimes are very ignorant of their own actions, if they themselves does not realize the grave they are digging, then it's beyond our control. I am just afraid that if people are still picking up the differences and prolong the stress, it's gonna be a disastrous plague. what we can do is to remind ourselves and the next generation on what really matters - the unity of a multi-racial community. That's what make us (MALAYSIAN) unique. We don't want to end up fighting like what happened to other country. Keep Malaysia as how we want it to be - strong patriotism, full devotion and bias-free. I just hope people are more sensitive on the racial unity rather than their differences!
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