Thursday, August 18, 2005

pinch me plsss... so i'll say OucHH!!

just came back from work. i just noticed my resignation today. 29 more days to come and i will officially end my employment in Havana. im so tired right now but i just cant get myself to sleep. so many things bugging my head now. i wish i can just let it vanish by listening to music or playing my guitar but it didnt work..

so here i am... and i know ive stopped blogging for quite a long time.. my laptop isnt helping either so now im using the desktop, the connection is a bit faster with this one.

well, lotsa things happened lately. some are happy things and some are totally giving me these soreness to endure. i learned a lot too these days. my dad was sick again, but lucky he's back to normal now. he fainted the day i received a gud news from a lecturer in UKM asking me if im still interested in doing my master project under her supervision. i was so happy that i got a place there. but i forgot the small things that's gonna make my decision a hard thing to make. hmm, there's financial problem. family problem. etc etc. i know ure hearing the same thing again so let me skip the elaboration this time.

but right now, i have this huge thing in my head and no matter how hard i try to filter it out, it is still remain unresolved. so never mind, let it stay there. arghhh, pls pinch me.... i need to wake up from this nightmare.

few months ago, ive been making some good songs which is too bad i wont let you guys hear it. it's only for me to hear. hehhe. the first song was about a girl who's having miseries in her life but she has strong passions for her dreams and she believe she's gonna make it in the end. the other song was about this person who was so frustrated of her/his relationship failure and is trying very hard to figure out how to get out from the pain. the third song was about two person falling in love because they share the same dream and getting along really well. i know they suck but i love the tune. soft and gentle. *obviously im running out of topic* help me out here....

well, i think i'll just stop brain is draining now.... if i continue, u will lose might as well just put a full stop here...

gudnite everyone, sweet dream.

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