Wednesday, June 06, 2007


Was talking to a friend one time and I simply said (but of course I mean it though!) “We shouldn’t expect anything from people, and people shouldn’t expect a lot from us.” And this friend of mine replied, “why not?” I was quite surprise with the answer.

For me, I’ll say “why ‘why not’ ”? I mean, we as human being arent as perfect as we hope to be. I get a lot of expectations from my family, my friends, my collegues, my supervisor etc. Being a typical human being, I know I am not perfect and I can’t do anything to make everyone satisfied. Seriously speaking, I am tired to feed everyone’s needs, maybe that’s why I like to be alone and do my own things. Maybe that’s why I’ll try not to owe anything from anyone. And maybe that’s why I like to get away, to have a peace of mind. I know nobody can understand the way things worked for me, and yea, likewise, I shouldn’t expect them to understand me either.

0 what say you:

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