Tuesday, May 08, 2007

100% says they should be given a raise.. how about the performance?

Friday 3.30p.m

Kak, boleh tak tolong sahkan dokumen-dokumen ini?”

OK, tunggu sebentar..”


3.35 pm….

3.40pm …

Er, Kak, dokumen tadi tu dah sahkan ke?”

hmm, tunggu sebentar ye?”



3.51 pm…

“Er, Kak –”

“Dek, boleh tak datang isnin petang?”

“Isnin petang? Kenapa kak?”

“Semua pegawai kitorang sibuk la.”

Tak boleh ke buat sekarang sebab dokumen tu urgent sikit kak.”

“Tak dapat la, sebab semua orang sibuk”

Takpe la, kak. Saya sahkan sendiri.”

Well, everything needs time to settle something - I guess even to certify few documents which only requires less than 5 minutes, and now the government servants are asking for a raise? Hah, ridiculous!

(Now i know why some counters has a *divider behind it)

*something like a wall, used to cover anything behind it

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