Saturday, February 05, 2005

My Orion Star

Orion Star, originally uploaded by fellie.

Here’s the best known and most recognizable star-patterns you can see on the sky.The Orion star€¦

Orion represents an heroic hunter of Greek myth. In Greek myth, Orion was hunted by wild animals and he was also the enemy of the huntress, namely, Artemis (Who was responsible for his death) But some stories tell how Orion fell in love with the daughter of King Oenopion of Chios, Metrope. When he got drunk, he raped Metrope and that he was casted into a deep sleep and he went blind because of the spell made by Dionysis. Then later, after he got his sight back with the help of the Oracle, he lived in Crete where the goddess of the moon Artemis fell in love with this handsome hunter. Orion died when Artemis who was challenged by Apollo hit a spot among the waters of the ocean, not knowing that this spot was Orion swimming. A single arrow shot by Artemis had killed Orion. For her action, Artemis placed Orion on the sky and to remain him as the mightiest hunter of the night sky.

However, they are many other stories (myth) which tell about Orion and each of them gave almost different stories about Orion. You can also check this site for his story
It depends which you prefer to believe :)

Orion contains some of the best known stars in the sky. At his left shoulder is a red giant of Betelgeuse star and a blue colour Bellatrix on his right shoulder. But I would like to emphasize on my star, which is the belt of Orion. The Orion's belt form three bright star in nearly a straight line âs Altinak, Alnilam and Mintaka.

You know why I like this star? Especially the stars which represent the belt of Orion? Because apart from representing itself to the belt of represents the three black dots on my chest :) (believe me, they look abt the same).

0 what say you:

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