Life's a cycle.....
hmm, it's been a while since ive posted something here, pardon me for i've been really busy for the past few weeks with the labworks, dancing practice for Malam Kebudayaan organized by a christian group in UKM, namely PERKEB, and CSS (Christian Student Society) activities which i am recently active in.
Let me cut the fuss of telling my little tally to you by uploading few pictures i have in my camera, which was recently taken.
CSS breakfast sales for Coffee Morning
Exxon Mobil Mock Cheque Presentation at UiTM, Shah Alam
Mr. Hareesh Pillai (GM of EMPMI, Exxon Mobil),
Prof. Dr. Salmijah (Deputy Dean of FST, UKM a.k.a 'my supervisor'), myself with the wrong outfit to wear (ouch!)
Practice for Upcoming Event (Malam Kebudayaan)
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