Thursday, June 02, 2005

my passion... my guitar LiFe!!!

How does it feel when you are really getting yourself to it but you’re just not good enough for it, it’s like this huge thing that you’re missing and you suddenly don’t deserve the good thing that should be coming out from you… it’s like you worked really hard for it, and the only price that you get is… the pain. I should have warned you before, that this life can be so unfair sometimes… *these are getting somewhere, dude* sorry im gonna bore you again…but this is what I do.. write about my boring life, a fabrication of whatsoever you call it.

And if I tell you why I said this, you would be laughing your heart out right after I tell you the continuity of this little tale of mine…

Oh well, everyone knows I love playing guitar. I mean, c’mon, it’s my passion… and I wish I could be at least do something about it… oh gawd, ive met few dudes that are too good at it, it’s like when they play, they own the music, the whole thing. It’s a superb to have that feeling when you can just whack the music, and it turned out to be “wow, it’s beautiful!!” Why can’t I be like that kinda guy, who can wickedly play guitar like a madcap and still it gave off a very nice music to hear about….
Oh gawd, im off the wall now…ive got few “yeah, you’re good at it!” but oh well, that’s just the way people talking but I want to have something else…something I dun feel shy to show it off to people. Hey, im not talking craps now, big price here!!!! Oh well, I do play music for people, like during Sundays, for the children at church. And that’s the only thing im capable of? So what’s this talent for anyway? When Auntie Julia asked me to play guitar for caroling and in front of bunch of parents and kids, I went crazy and these saying went on an on again “no, im not good for it! I cant do it!”… it’s not because I don’t want to do it, it’s because I really can’t. I’m not good enough for it. I know im a coward, oh well. That suits the description of ME. It’s disappointing, really.

I just finished watching the Roswell, season 3 episode 8, and at the end of episode 8, Maria was singing with her guitar and oh God, she’s so good at it. I mean her voice. Eventhough it doesn’t sound like Mariah Carey or even Kelly Clarkson but everything is in place, with the tunes, the music and the vocal and the attitude. Oh, I pity myself at that very moment I was witnessing an unforgiving catastrophe of my guitar life!!!

I guess my life now has slightly changed when I met prakash, oh gawd, everyone, you should meet him. He’s very sweet, funny, nice, a gentlemen I would call. He taught me the secret of guitar and how to get it right. And im sure im improving myself now. He deserved all the credits from me…. He taught me all the barcodes and how to remember them all. Wow, it was just wow to have him in my guitar life…. Thank you God, you have been answering my prayer. God, you have no idea how happy I am with it. God bless me……………………………..

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