Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Being one with so many hopes, yet in chorus with doubts

“What if” questions start popping into my head, harmonizing the fact that there are so many possibilities that could happen instantly. A gush of fear starts streaming down to my spine. Though the future is so far-off, yet it is still on the horizon. That means my future is at stake, or I’m just exaggerating here.

Was talking to a dear one last night about the fear I was having all night long, which in turn give me a severe migraine that I could almost swallow the whole pack of pain-killer. But it was true what he said, it’s too early to think about the future and it’s not healthy worrying about it now. Gosh, it is scary to have all the dreadful feelings and those fears; it feels like the bed I was lying on is gulping me down alive. I know it’s insane to think of all the unknowns of the future ahead when you have your present events to think about.

Disregard to the matter above, my lab work is in negligence, which is totally not good. But I’m glad I get to help a friend to finish-off her thesis-printing. At least I could use some fun - laughing and talking about good stuff.

We are still having problem with the whole “sharing-the-streamyx” thing at home. We really need an expert to help us here. Anyone who is free tonight, call me and help me!!

p/s Elliot is almost out last week, fortunately Bucky is willing to take his ride home.. yays!!

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