Wednesday, April 19, 2006


Yearning for something which can be either possible or otherwise is really a pain.

It is a disappointment not being able to unravel the simple problems I have. According to my senior, it’s actually a piece of cake which needs a bit of icing (you know what I mean). Then again, looking at the condition which im at now, everything is still vague and nothing but a piece of smudge. I feel like shouting out loud, I know my heart needs to be loosen up a little bit. It’s too tight in there and I feel like opening it like how Mr.Superman does when he tears his shirt to uncover the word “S” inside. *URGGGHHH* there’s so much garbage inside and I duno what im going about here…

Alright, let’s take it one at a time… Im staying back tomorrow until 11pm, hopefully there will be a bus going back to my section, or else, I might get a cab to come and fetch me in UKM. Doesn’t matter how much it will cost me. I need to do my lab work and this is why we call it a research. There’s no office hour or whatsoever. Im actually hinting myself now “Fellie, do you still want to go to Ireland for your phd?” … then I know I should shake my head for that…

Anyways, I was browsing through few WebPages on the net last night while doing literature review on and there is this site that really caught me scratched me painfully inside. I think you should share it with you. Maybe it’s nothing to those insensitive individuals but for me it’s really a heartbreaking and it reminds me that I should be glad I still have my loved ones around me.

See it. Hear it. Read it. Reflect yourself.

It’s really nice.

(P/S This page is accompanied with a song. If you can't hear any song, pls refresh your page to get the full sound effect)


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