Monday, November 20, 2006

Do you Feel SaFe when you'RE in LURVEEE???!!!

No. Seriously. I wish life is more than just having a boyfriend or girlfriend. But I am just saying.

Well, when you’re in love, it’s not about yourself anymore. You have to consider the other person. It’s not about making yourself happy. But making the other person happy. So you’ll be happy too.

It’s ridiculous.

Those love story you see on TV are all lies. There’s no happy ending. Marriage? It’s the scariest thing I will ever commit myself to.

I love him, but it’s too scary. It makes me start my puffing habit again. I need a break.
I know putting this in public will create a question mark to my friend again

“what is she up to this time?”

Guys, Im unpredictable and I am guilty as charged.

I wish life is easier.

2 what say you:

Anonymous said...

Hehe... Ayooo yooo Lie.... apa sudah jadi? banyak=-banyak sedih saya baca... apa ini awak isap rokok...?

F.E.A said...

hehehhe not to worry... still in moderate level...

i am always the villain my dear... hehe

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