Friday, July 04, 2008

Rusty is dead!!

LIE's Heart OuT: Rusty is sick!!

After my bestfriend, It was Rusty. He died 3 days ago after he was attacked by distemper virus. I should have been quick enough to rescue him but I have a lot of things at hand and a lot of things that need my attention. I was really furious with the maid at Taman Desa. I did not ask much from her. The only thing that i want her to do was to let me place him in a cleaner and comfy place for him just for a week or two until the workers are finished building the fish pond outside, or if it was hard enough for her, at least give me time until i get him vaccinated. She refused everything rudely and called me a liar. Poor Rusty.

The picture that Masran showed on the day he died was unbearable. At first I couldnt recognized him, I thought it was a MONKEY he showed me!!! It was RUSTY!!!! He looked very very skinny that i thought it was a monkey!!

As much as i tried to respect an older person, doesnt matter if she is a housemaid or if i have the upper hand, i can't tolerate with this. Rusty is dead, and I can't help it but to put all the blame on her. If she had listened to my suggestion, Rusty will still be here.

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