Sunday, March 01, 2009

-Lie I Am-

I intend to wait till I am not freaking busy with analysis to write again, but something just made me write.

I feel sad that I don’t get to send a dear friend who left for Melbourne yesterday. I feel sad that the timing was off and I didn’t get to attend his makan-makan at home to wish him a proper farewell. I feel even more awful because this friend has been a dear to me since our undergrade years and he has been there for everyone even for people who is not good in keeping in touch, like me. But I know he understands. He knows me too well that he’ll just say, “It’s so you, Lie. I understand.”

Jeff, have a safe trip to Melbourne (Even if you're already there) and all the best for your phd. You will always be in my prayers.

Regardless, my feelings of sadness today is triggered by another.

I have a lot of friends. A LOT. Some are very close, some are just acquaintances, and some are very very dear to me. But sadly, I don’t have all the time for them.

I can be one who will never betray you and I can be a very good listener if you want me to. But time is always a problem to me and keeping in touch is my weakest point. If any of you could minus all the weak points that I have, I'm sure problems are certainly solved.

0 what say you:

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